Course Structure

MSc. in Materials Science and Engineering

First Semester (Year/Part: I/I)

  1. Materials Science – I [ 4 credits ]
  2. Mathematical Methods in Materials Science [ 4 credits ]
  3. Quantum Mechanics [ 4 credits ]
  4. Computation and Operational Research [ 4 credits ]

Second Semester (Year/Part: I/II)

  1. Materials Science – II [ 4 credits ]
  2. Materials Processing [ 4 credits ]
  3. Elective I [ 4 credits ]
  4. Elective II [ 4 credits ]

Third Semester (Year/Part: II/I)

  1. Elective III [ 4 credits ]
  2. Elective IV [ 4 credits ]
  3. Project Work [ 4 credits ]

Fourth Semester (Year/Part: II/II)

  1. Thesis Work [16 credits]


Elective courses will be offered as per the availability of resource persons. All elective courses are of 4 credit hours. The electives are divided into THREE groups. The list of electives are as follows:


  • Nanotechnology Equipments & Characterization Techniques (AS852-E23)
  • Semiconductor Devices and Circuits (AS852-E24)
  • Continuum Mechanics (AS852-E22)
  • Dielectric and ferroelectric materials


  • Advanced Concrete Technology (AS852-E21)
  • Advanced Materials for Energy Storage
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Policy
  • Digital System Design


  • Data Science (AS902-E33)
  • Advanced Pre-stressed Concrete
  • Photovoltaic Materials and Technology (AS902-E-31)
  • Bio-Materials and Safety
  • Energy materials and technology/Thin film technology and photovoltaic technology
  • Composite, ceramic, and polymer materials
  • Magnetic materials and soft materials

Students can choose any one course from Group-A for Elective-I, any one course from Group-B for Elective-II, and any one course from Group-C for Elective-III. Elective-IV can be chosen from any of the three groups or any course provided by their respective Departments. A student can take a maximum of 8 credits of open elective courses offered by other master programs of the same department. For each elective course, there should be at least 6 students.